User Agreement
1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) refers to the website of the electronic ticket sales system.
1.2. This Agreement regulates the relationship between the Administration of the electronic ticket sales system website (hereinafter referred to as the Website Administration) and the User of this Website.
1.3. The Website Administration reserves the right to change, add or delete the clauses of this Agreement at any time without notifying the User.
1.4. Continued use of the Website by the User means acceptance of the Agreement and changes made to this Agreement.
1.5. By purchasing an electronic ticket, the user confirms that he is familiar with the rules for the purchase and return of electronic tickets, and has no complaints against the website Administration.
1.6. The User is personally responsible for checking for changes in this Agreement and for familiarization with it.
2.1. The subject of this Agreement is to provide the User with access to the services provided on the Website.
2.1.1. The System provides the User with the following types of services:
•the possibility for registered Users to purchase an electronic ticket for events posted on the Website;
•User registration on the website;
•the possibility of booking goods;
•access to site search and navigation tools;
•other types of services implemented on the pages of the website.
2.2.This Agreement is a public offer. By accessing the Site, the User is considered to have joined this Agreement.
2.3. The Agreement is considered concluded and becomes effective from the moment the User registers on the website and is valid indefinitely until the termination of this Agreement.
2.4.The use of the materials and services of the website is regulated by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation
3.1. The Website administration has the right
3.1.1. To change the terms of use of the Website, as well as to change the content of this Website. The changes come into force from the moment the new version of the Agreement is published on the Website.
3.2. The User has the right:
3.2.1. To use all the services available on the Website, as well as purchase electronic tickets offered on the Website.
3.2.2. To ask any questions related to the services of the Website using the details that are located in the "Contacts" section of the Website.
3.2.3. To use the Website exclusively for the purposes and in the manner provided for by the Agreement and not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.3. The Website User undertakes :
3.3.1. To comply with the terms of this Agreement, the terms of use of the Website Services, the rules for creating and redeeming Orders.
3.3.2. To familiarize themselves with the rules for the purchase and return of electronic tickets located on the Website.
3.3.3. To use the Website Services only for personal non-commercial purposes.
3.3.4. Not to provide deliberately false registration information, including data of third parties.
3.3.5. Not to take actions that may be considered as disrupting the normal operation of the Website.
3.3.6. Not to distribute any confidential and protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation information about individuals or legal entities using the Website.
3.4. The User is prohibited from:
3.4.1. Disrupting the proper functioning of the Website;
3.4.2. Circumvent the navigation structure of the Website in any way to obtain or attempt to obtain any information, documents or materials by any means that are not specifically provided by the services of this Website;
3.4.3. Violate the security or authentication system on the Website or on any network related to the Website.
3.4.4. To use the Website and its Content for any purposes prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as to incite any illegal activity or other activity that violates the rights of the online store or other persons.
4.1. The Content of the Website may not be copied, published, reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any way, as well as posted on the global Internet without the prior written consent of the Website Administration.
4.2. The Content of the Website is protected by copyright, trademark law, as well as other intellectual property rights and unfair competition law.
4.3. The purchase of an electronic ticket offered on the Website requires the creation of a User account.
4.4. The User is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the account information, including the password, as well as for all activities conducted on behalf of the Account User without exception.
4.5. This Agreement applies to all additional terms and conditions for the purchase of an electronic ticket and the provision of services provided on the Website.
4.6. The information posted on the Website should not be interpreted as a modification of this Agreement.
5.1. The Agreement may be terminated:
5.1.1. after the Administration receives a written and (or) electronic notification from the User about the termination of this Agreement at the addresses of the Site Administration indicated on the website in the Contacts section.
5.1.2. unilaterally by the Website Administration by blocking, terminating the account, terminating the User's access to the Website Services. The User agrees that the Website Administration reserves the right to terminate this Agreement, with or without prior notice, with respect to any Website Services without explanation, including in case of violation of the Agreement or failure to use the relevant Service
5.2. Termination of the Agreement for any reason does not release the Parties from liability for violations of the terms of the Agreement that occurred during its validity period.
5.3. The User agrees that in order to properly ensure the safety of information related to ticket sales, the Website Administration reserves the right to store all information about the User's use of the Website Services after the termination of the Agreement, including the User's registration information, within the time limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.1. Any losses that the User may incur in the event of intentional or negligent violation of any provision of this Agreement, as well as due to unauthorized access to the communications of another User, the Website Administration will not be reimbursed.
6.2. The Website Administration is not responsible for:
6.2.1. Delays or failures in the process of performing an operation caused by force majeure, as well as any case of malfunctions in telecommunications, computer, electrical and other related systems.
6.2.2. Actions of transfer systems, banks, payment systems and for delays related to their operation.
6.2.3. Proper functioning of the Website, if the User does not have the necessary technical means for its use, and also does not bear any obligations to provide users with such means.
7.1. The Website Administration has the right to disclose any information collected about the User of this Site if disclosure is necessary in connection with an investigation or complaint regarding the misuse of the Site or to establish (identify) a User who may violate or interfere with the rights of the Site Administration or the rights of other Users of the Website.
7.2. The Website Administration has the right to disclose any information about the User that it deems necessary to comply with the provisions of current legislation or court decisions, to ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement, to protect the rights or security of the name of the organization, Users.
7.3. The Website Administration has the right to disclose information about the User if the current legislation of the Russian Federation requires or permits such disclosure.
7.4. The Website Administration has the right to terminate and/or block access to the Site without prior notice to the User if the User has violated this Agreement or the terms of use of the Site contained in other documents, as well as in the event of termination of the Website or due to a technical malfunction or problem.
7.5. The Website Administration is not responsible to the User or third parties for the termination of access to the Website in case of violation by the User of any provision of this Agreement or other document containing the terms of use of the Website.